Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wakeup Call???

You're not a political person, Luis . You probably don't have much patience for game playing and forming alliances in order to get ahead. You like to focus on your responsibilities, be a good, honest citizen, and go home at the end of the day. But you might find it would be to your advantage to be just a bit more charming and crafty. You could be passing up golden opportunities by adopting a too passive outlook. It might be to your advantage to present a stronger image to your entourage.
This has been one of the most accurate horoscopes I've had to date. Today I have a job fair at my school. I was planning to go but, I did not have dress up shoes. So I wasent going to do it looking all jacked up and what not, LOL. Honestly I'm also not a "networking" type of person. I don't like to small talk or mingle with people who I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable especially if I am by myself. I guess now more then ever; I can say that I truly am shy. But I just can't seem to get to my comfort zone around complete strangers. If I stay silent I can do it, but if I have to speak and prove myself. It ain't gonna happen. That's just the way I am. But I guess I do have to learn how to be political, and speak my mind to people I don't know. It's going to take a while, but sonner or later i'm going to have to do it. If I want to suceed in life. But at the same time, I feel like people do underestimate me ALOT! Because of the way I look or act. I rarely smile to people I don't know, my face is usually composed. People might say I have a dry personality. I'm very misunderstood. Only those who are close to me know the REAL, me. Sometimes I feel like they don't even know the real me. I and God only know the real me. I am definately like a volcano inside a lake or mass of water. Still waters run deep, something is seething under surface. Don't judge a book by it's cover. That all describes me. One day, my ice walls will break down, everybody will meet ME! Luis Andres Cecilio.

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