Saturday, August 22, 2009


Secrecy, all the secrets you keep. Hidden inside your own little personal Pandora's box. The last thing to escape, or maybe it won't. Would be the love you have for me. The world's eyes will water. Glistening with shimmers of tears. The moon will watch as she will influence my intensity. The Sun will blaze upon his heat igniting your soul. Write down your thoughts, put them in a box, and let them float away at Sea. Watch it, think of it as us separating, forever. Or will it be eternally?

I am... AFRICA

Like a puzzle. Figure me out. You have to go through the jungle to find the gem. A rare antique. Hard to discover. Difficult to maintain. Never confuse my still composure with weakness. Still water are the most dangerous, because you don't know what's lurking deep inside. Looking at me, wondering what I think. What secrets do I keep? I feel like one of god's relics. A force in my own right. I can be as fierce as a lion or as peaceful as a dove. You pick and chose. I'm on the right side. I am mama AFRICA. Hear my CRY!

Give it or go

You've tolled me how u felt. You said that, it was never fake. I loved to say ur name. I love to hear u voice babe. Since the very first day. I fell head over heelz for u. Aint' gonna deny. I tolled myself I loved u. So stay, with me. Don't delay, to tell me how u really feel. It's in you, don't hesitate to tell me everything. Open up, please don't hold back, anymore. We have so much potential. If you want, we can take it slow. But please dont go. If you leave me alone. You will take away, my heart and soul. Give it or go.

Rain & Sunshine

Get the umbrella for this cold weather. In the middle of July, heat is supposed to be blazing. But like my emotions shift it's ever changing. My feelings for you. They don't phase you. If they do. It doesn't change it. Fact is your unreachable. Unmovable and I can't see you. We can't even be friends because it's still the same. I proved myself time and time again. Stronger than you thought when you took me in vain. When will there be sunshine? Because all I see is rain...